My accountant by barclays is a d and ad brief I worked on during my studies at university. I was tasked to produce of new app to help create a better relationship between money and mental health. Finances can always be on someone’s mind and a worry. My pitch with the “my accountant” app aims to resolve these issues. When approaching this project I needed to consider what helps us with our mental health now and after some research I soon figured its people. being able to share how you are feeling with someone and getting some guidance to better yourself plays an important part when dealing when you are going through that rough time. on top of this i needed to ensure any designs I was developing needed to fit the strict brand guidelines set by barclays. This was important as the app needed to look like the product of the bank and recognisable to their existing audience.
The concept I came up with for this project was having the app named "My accountant" and every barclays user would have access to a virtual avatar, unique to them, to help guide them to a better path with their finances. This aims to create less worry for the barclays user when they find money to be a stressful thing to deal with. The app does this by allowing the user to set saving goals which can be linked to their current barclays bank account. The app is able to track how much comes in and comes out for the user and when they achieve any goal they set themselves in the app they can gain several achievements as a reward for their improvements. The app prioritises a fun experience when it comes to managing your finances all with the guidance of the users personal avatar.
Learn more about the user experience when using the "my accountant" app by scrolling down...
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